The Latest from JWA

Judicial Workplace Arbitrations, Inc. Joins the Texas Alliance of Nonsubscribers

5 Reasons to Choose JWA
You have choices when it comes to your Arbitration needs. Below is a handful of reasons to choose JWA.Judges – JWA Arbitrators are all Former, Senior, or Retired Judges with experience in all facets of Civil Law. They are familiar with the arbitration process and with the Rules

How Do I Start an Arbitration?
If you’re looking to start an Arbitration with JWA, we’ve got you covered.The first thing to do is check the Employer’s Arbitration Agreement / Arbitration Provision to see whether it dictates where the case is to be filed. If the document indicates that cases are to be filed

Who Pays What in Arbitration?
Most Company Arbitration Provisions dictate which party will be responsible for the expenses of the arbitration. In many cases, the Company will pay all of the expenses, except for those incurred solely by the Claimant. Some provisions require the Claimant to pay a portion of