5 Reasons to Choose JWA

You have choices when it comes to your Arbitration needs. Below is a handful of reasons to choose JWA.
Judges – JWA Arbitrators are all Former, Senior, or Retired Judges with experience in all facets of Civil Law. They are familiar with the arbitration process and with the Rules of Procedure.
Rules – JWA does not require you to juggle a different set of Rules for each case type. Attorneys in Texas are accustomed to working within the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and Evidence, and JWA makes it easy by adhering to those same Rules. However, there’s also the flexibility to agree upon other Rules if the parties so desire.
Rates and Fees – Perhaps one of the most convenient features with JWA is our fee setup. We have a one-time administrative fee plus refundable anticipated fees based upon the length of arbitration, regardless of the amount in controversy or the number of parties involved. Additionally, each Arbitrator is paid the same hourly rate, regardless of who is selected for your case.
Personal Service – You won’t get lost in the crowd with JWA. With one administrator assigned to each case, we are able to offer personal service you won’t find anywhere else, while still having the support staff to back you up even further.
Administrative Ease – JWA operates as the court administrator and clerk in cases and handles all communication between the Judges and the parties. Our goal is to facilitate a smooth and straightforward process for you. Administrators are here to answer any questions you might have about the arbitration process along the way.
Simply stated, at JWA, this is arbitration like you always thought it should be.