Hon. Judge Kathleen S. Stone
Judge Kathleen Stone is a Senior State District Judge and a Senior Statutory Probate Judge who has been practicing civil, family and probate trial law since 1979. Licensed to practice in Texas, she is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, has been a full time Civil District Judge or Visiting Judge since 1991 and was a Statutory Probate Judge in Harris County from 2008 through 2010 and a Visiting Probate Judge around the state since 2011.
Kathleen has extensive experience as a mediator and arbitrator of civil and probate disputes. Judge Stone has also been frequently appointed by the courts to serve as a special discovery master and/or special judge. Further she is often requested to serve as a Visiting Judge in civil and criminal courts in the Eleventh Administrative Judicial Region of Texas and as a visiting Statutory Probate Judge around the state of Texas.
Judge Stone was elected to the 55th Judicial District Civil Court in Harris County, Texas in November of 1990. She was re-elected to the bench without opposition in November of 1993 and served until December 1998. During her tenure on the bench, she tried hundreds of civil cases including commercial/business cases as well as personal injury and products liability claims. In November 2008, Judge Stone was the first woman ever elected to any Probate Bench in Harris County, where she served as Judge of Harris County Probate Court # 1 until December 31, 2010. During her time as a Statutory Probate Judge, she tried a number of complex probate cases to a jury including Will contests, wrongful death cases and medical malpractice cases.
Education +-
South Texas College of Law - Houston, Texas
Doctor Jurisprudence
National Judicial College
National College of Probate Judges
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, Ok
Bachelor of Sciencel969
Experience +-
Mediator and Arbitrator
Sitting by Assignment
Senior JudgePresent
Court #1, Harris County
Judge of Statutory Probate2008 to 2010
Sitting by Assignment
Senior Judge1999 to 2008
Pursuant to Chapter 151 of Texas Civil Practice and Remedy Code
Special Judge1999 to 2008
Certified Mediator
1999 to 2008
Certified Arbitrator
1999 to 2008
55th Judicial Civil District Court, Harris County, Texas
Judge1991 to 1998
General Practice
Attorney at Law1979 to 1990
State of Texas Licensed
Memberships/Affiliations +-
Board Certified
Personal Injury Trial Law Board of Legal Specialization
Habitat for Humanity
Campaign for the Homeless Committee
Continuing Legal Education Committee
Legal Line
Year of Giving
Blood Donor
Texas Bar Association
Houston Bar Association
Association of Women Attorneys
Houston Bar Foundation
Sustaining Life Fellow
Texas Bar Foundation
Life Fellow
Association of Women Attorneys Foundation
Founding Fellow
Texas Association of District Judges
Past President
Harris County Board of Civil Judges
Past Secretary
Mass Torts Committee - Harris County Board of Civil Judges
Past Member
Technology Committee - Harris County Board of Judges
Past Head
Justice Information Management System
Executive Board Member
Judicial Section of the State Bar of Texas
Past member of Committee on Judicial Ethics
Houston Bar Association
Distinguished Faculty/Moderator
Texas Bar Association
Speaker & CLE Moderator
University of Texas Law School
Speaker & CLE Moderator
University of Houston Law School
Speaker/CLE Moderator/Judge-Moot-Court
South Texas College of Law
Speaker/CLE Moderator/ Judge - Moot Court
Speaker on National Breast Implant Panel
Honors/Awards +-
“Whose Who Among American Colleges and Universities”
“Woman Of Excellence” - Federation of Houston Professional Women