Hon. Judge Tom Fuller
Richmond, Texas
Tom Fuller’s continuing career spans many years of service as an arbitrator, mediator, lawyer, and judge. He retired in 2011, after serving as a judge for 30 years. Since Retiring, he has devoted his time to Conflict Resolution, specializing in Civil Litigation, including but not limited to Employment, Family, Commercial, and Insurance Law. He also serves as a visiting judge, special judge, and umpire.
Tom has completed over 200+ hours of basic and advanced training in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and holds certificates in Arbitration, Mediation, and Family Mediation.
Married: Josephine Morgan Fuller, married 43 years – 2 children
Education +-
Texas Tech University
Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law
Juris Doctor1969
Texas Association of Attorney Mediator
Advance Training Course2013-2018
Alternative Dispute Resolution Course2012-2018
Texas Association of Attorney Mediators
Annual Conference2013-2016
Texas Mediator Credential
Advanced Training Course2013
American Arbitration Association
Update on Expansion of Mediation2013
Advanced Family Law Course
Advanced Civil Trial Course
2013-2014, 2017
Advanced Employment Law Course
2014, 2016-2018
Annual Judicial Education Conference TCJ
2012-2014, 2016, 2018, 2019
Memberships/Affiliations +-
Texas Association of Attorney Mediators
Texas Mediator Credentialing Association
Texas Association of Mediators
State Bar of Texas & Dallas Bar Association
ADR Section
State Bar of Texas
Business Law Section
State Bar of Texas
Computer and Technology Law Section
State Bar of Texas & Dallas Bar Association
Family Law Section
State Bar of Texas & Dallas Bar Association
Labor and Employment Law Section
State Bar of Texas & Dallas Bar Association
Oil and Gas Law Section
College of the State Bar of Texas
Dispute Mediation Service
Dallas County Dispute Resolution Center
Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center
Fort Bend County Bar Association
Park Cities Lions Club
Past President; Melvin Jones Fellow
Sacred Heart Catholic Community, Richmond TX
various councils and ministries
Honors/Awards +-
Mediate.com: Certified Mediator
Texas Mediator Credentialing Association: Credentialed
Dispute Mediation Service: Preeminent Litigation Panelist
100+ Mediations
Texas College of Judicial Studies (TCJS) – Distinguished Alumnus
Texas Center for the Judiciary (Board Awarded) (TCJS) Certificate in Civil Jurisprudence
Texas Center for the Judiciary (Board Awarded) (TCJS) Certificate in Family Jurisprudence